The Delirious Optimist
She is Tone Motivates, a Cognitive Behavior Therapist and Wellness and Mindset Coach that lives by the saying “Live in Your Truth”, and is determined to bring "Motivation to the Nation".
She didn’t have everything growing up, but she had all that she needed. Everything she witnessed, everything she went through molded her into the woman she is today. She has taken all of her experiences in life and turned them into fuel igniting all of the things she wants in life emotionally, spiritually, mentally, and physically. Join her on her journey as she navigates through life, motivating one person at a time!
She is testimony that you can defy the odds! She has been a culprit, a victim, a come up, a letdown, and consistently shows up as her authentic self. She is here to let you know that you deserve whatever you want out of life! She is here to help you achieve what you envision for yourself. What do you want? Let’s go get it! she'll ride shotgun.